Project datasharing using Anitra (guide for Eurokite data controllers)
1) Overview to „Groups and Projects“ and to Eurokite data categorisation terminology
- Eurokite Data Use Agreements (DUA) signed between project partners are implemented using Anitra Groups/Project functionality.
- According to DUAs, the Tracking (Telemetry) data are classified in to A, B, and C categories.
- A = project data made available top-down from MEGEG to Partners filtered by the geography access specified in DUA.
- B = data where certain partner directly participated e.g. during the tagging are available for the involved partner in an unfiltered way
- C = data made available bottom-up i.e. from Associated Beneficiary to the project. If not specified otherwise the data are visible to other project partners again based on the geography access
- Overview of the Eurokite tracking data structure by ABC categories is available in „Project“ functionality („Tracking/Animals“ tab)
2) Workgroups/subprojects
- For every project partner, a dedicated Eurokite workgroup/subproject is created to host partner-specific configurations such as persons involved, access and responsibility areas, trackings/animals shared to project, and similar (overview of all the groups can be seen in Eurokite project „Workgroups“ tab).
- Click through in order to review and check the configuration and data of your workgroup
3) Data controllers
- Each project partner designates one person as a „data controller“ (DC) and the DC then manages data access for other people.
- E.g Fabienne being DC for the LPO workgroup can propose the list of French names using „+ Add person“ button assigning them the „Subproject/workgroup access“ role.
- Once proposed the name is displayed to Eurokite project admins and confirmed by them. All the aproved person receive data access for all the „top-down“ data (categories ABC)