
From Anitra Support
< Device
Revision as of 22:21, 17 November 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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  • Users granted Owner/Admin roles can access the configuration screen of particular loggers.
  • Four parameters are available in the basic configuration screen:
  1. GPS interval
  2. Number of records to be sent in one data message

/these two parameters in combination define how often the device sends data/

  1. Data transfer mode /for sake of cost efficiency, the communication mode can be adjusted freely/
  2. Safety multiplication of basic GPS intervale rate /applied when the battery drops to one of the three percentage thresholds (75 - 50 - 25 %)/
  • In order to send the modified configuration:
    • Change the desired value in the form
    • Save your changes
    • Use the "Send Configuration" button to process your request

  • You can check the status, details, and history of applied configuration
    • Date when the last configuration was sent
    • Last confirmed parameter value
    • Default parameter value
    • Last confirmed firmware version
    • Next expected data transfer